Leakage testing for all shapes and sizes
We design and manufacture leak testers for all sizes and shapes of cans and for pails and drums of all sizes. The carousel or linear test units adjust easily to size and shape of metal containers. Packagings are tested by means of a vacuum or pressure application, any leak detected leads to automatic ejection of the faulty can. Results are reproducible and testing is highly reliable. In a competitive market we offer attractive solutions to canmakers who are looking for performance and high quality.
Round, dia 52 to 108
Round, dia 108 to 598
Irregular Shape
H 35 to 89
H 90 to 134
H 135 to 249
H 250 to
Testing Method
pressure tester with volume reducer
pressure tester without volume reducer
vacuum tester
Bodypack Tester
Squarepack Tester
Third Tester
Testing Method
Production [cpm]
Can Dimensions Ø [mm]
Can Dimensions L x W [mm]
Can Height [mm]
Company Brand

Squarepack Tester
Irregular Shape
H 90 to 134, H 135 to 249, H 250 to
pressure tester without volume reducer
15 – 170
60×40 – 235×235

Third Tester
Round, dia 52 to 108, Round, dia 108 to 598
H 35 to 89, H 90 to 134, H 135 to 249, H 250 to
pressure tester with volume reducer, pressure tester without volume reducer, vacuum tester, aerosol

Bodypack Tester
Round, dia 52 to 108, Round, dia 108 to 598
H 90 to 134, H 135 to 249, H 250 to
pressure tester without volume reducer, vacuum tester
15 – 170
73 – 598

Round, dia 52 to 108
H 35 to 89, H 90 to 134
pressure tester with volume reducer
400 – 1200 *
52 – 99 **
35 – 135
20 – 60
(*) 20% higher production on request(**) 105 mm on request